Children’s Centre with comprehensive care and supportive family therapy in Krč

On Monday 09.10. the siteq. team set out from the comfort of the office with one goal in mind – to do something good.

We put our hands to the work at the Children’s Center of Thomayer Hospital. This centre provides comprehensive professional, medical, educational and social care to children who are at risk due to their environment. It also serves as a sanctuary for nursing and pregnant people and minors who are currently in critical situations, including mothers who are addicted to substances and are motivated to seek treatment, which the Children’s Center helps them with.

The “infant wards” will be closing down by the end of 2024, but the Children’s Centre in Krč still plans on offering help. They plan to be a provider of palliative care for children and respite care for parents.

Currently, the centre is struggling with the lack of physical help. Their outdoor space is really large and they have only one gentleman who takes care of everything. After brief communication with the centre, we agreed to head out into the garden to rake up the cut grass and fallen leaves, clean up the creek to allow the water flow, trim the bushes in preparation for winter, and, finally, sort through the physical donations the Children’s Center had received.

You can find more photos on our Instagram (@siteq_cz).

A large thank you belongs to Mrs. Zahradníčková from the Children’s Centre Secretariat for her cooperation in organizing the day. We are looking forward to our next visit, which we are planning for the next year.

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