ServiceNow Developer

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Job Type


Job type

Full time


80.000 - 120.000 CZK


Hlavní město Praha



About our client / O našem klientovi

Delivering innovative solutions and services that help other companies succeed in the digital world - that's the mission of one of the top 5 consulting firms, a global leader in digital technology, cloud services and cybersecurity. #Consulting #Digital #Technology #Security

With extensive experience, the company delivers IT services to almost every sector - be it automotive, medical, retail or fintech. In total, you can count more than 40 such areas for Fortune500 companies.

We offer you the opportunity to participate in projects for large international and local companies. Join a team of IT professionals and contribute to the transformation of the digital world!

• more than 9,000 clients in 120 countries
• in the Czech Republic: 2,100 employees from dozens of nationalities

Job description / Náplň práce

• you will form part of a core team accountable for the successful customization, rollout, and maintenance of the Client ServiceNow
• delivering and establishing projects related to implementation and innovation for multiple clients, ensuring high-quality standards, and following best practices
• contribute to ServiceNow Solution implementation, according to your role in a project, which could include such activities as: system configuration, development of custom features on the client and server side, technical consulting, technical specifications preparation, testing support, rollout support, and others
• understand the business needs and the need to standardize processes, and build this into the design and deliverables

Requirements / Požadavky

Our client is usually, depending on current capacity, open to candidates in various seniority levels.

Requirements for the position Junior:
• working knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Web development technologies and tools
• working proficiency in English
• Nice to have:
• knowledge of AngularJS.
• system integration experience using web services and other web based technologies such as XML, AJAX, HTTP, REST/SOAP
• experience with relational databases (e.g. MySQL, Oracle)

Benefits / Benefity

• hybrid and flexible working mode - office / remote
• 5 weeks holiday
• sick days
• paid employee referral program
• company phone

Investment in your future
• ServiceNow certification in our client's bootcamp
• education - 24,000 online courses and 900 learning panels
• opportunities to earn certifications and learn in bootcamps
• mentoring and coaching
• private medical care
• life/retirement insurance contribution

Entertainment after work
• cafeteria
• recreation/wellness vouchers

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