REACT Developer (siteq.)

Mám zájem




Full time


70.000 - 180.000 CZK


Hlavní město Praha



About our client / O našem klientovi

It is possible that you cannot find a job on our site that exactly matches what you are looking for. There are several reasons for that:

• our clients' projects change throughout the year and all of them are successfully filled at this moment / even if we don't have a suitable position now, it doesn't mean we won't have it tomorrow
• thanks to the personal relationships we have with our clients we are able to introduce you to positions that are not available on the regular job market
• we work with our clients to create job offers tailored just for you, because we value quality candidates as much as our clients do

That's why we'd love to hear from you.

By communicating directly with the hiring managers about projects and specific roles, we can provide you with maximum information not only about the job itself and the projects, but also about the company culture and the people who could become your boss or colleague.
In short, we offer you what you cannot find anywhere else.

Job description / Náplň práce

As a React developer for our clients, you can be involved in, for example:

• Developing in-house products: For example, we work with a client that develops software solutions for journalists and media teams around the world. Their products enable the planning and coordination of people in the studio and in the field of organizing citizen journalism.
• Projects for agencies or SW House: we regularly offer positions for smaller international companies targeting industrial and automotive companies in the German market. The first one works on designing car configurators where you can order a customized car on demand. The other works on web and mobile apps, but has also done projects such as 4D video transmissions for operating theatres / robot software for laser eye surgery / a digital scheduling assistant for Audi.

You don't have to just "code". According to your wishes and experience, you can also contribute to:
• UX/UI design solutions for the products entrusted to you
• technical or business analysis in collaboration with clients, managers, and other team members
• building the architecture of entrusted products and selecting technologies for their development

Requirements / Požadavky

The most frequent requests from our clients are:
• varying levels of seniority - from beginners with a desire to learn, to Leaders with the ability to support a team or technically manage a project
• orientation Tech Stack: React, TypeScript/JavaScript
• advantages may be: Redux, Redux-Saga, NestJS, Node.js, React Native, CSS+HTML, GraphQL, SQL/PostgreSQL, REST/JSON APIs, Jira, Git, Doctor

Benefits / Benefity

We can offer you the possibility to choose between small local companies, medium-sized international companies as well as global concerns or B2B partners.

Our clients can offer you:
• contract for full time employment / freelance contract
• hybrid cooperation with at least 2 days a week on HO / Remote
• flexible working hours / anything is negotiated

More information / Více informací

Are you looking for a new project or a full-time job? Let us know about you. Chances are that tomorrow we might have exactly what you're looking for.

How does it work?
• send us your resume or LinkedIn link
• you will receive a GDPR confirmation request in your email
• once you confirm it, we'll view your profile and as soon as one of our clients opens a role that might be a good fit for you, we'll let you know about it

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